Thursday, March 27, 2008

Disappeared Up A Hill

The powerful phrasing of Dan's "Remember October Nights" does not belong to the colloquial realm. And in Necole's "I'm done reading" post her thoughts move back and forth between what she found accessible, and what remained hidden from her. It is the opportunity to read at my leisure and reflect upon her post that allows my own thoughts about the novel to articulate with hers. Beth's excitement about 'the snap shot view of the world' as a writing prompt has become a lens through which I view our writing, as well as consider the novel. The mystery of Cisneros's power to draw us into her pictures, and elude us with a slight of hand which keeps her free of her narrative... how does she do it? Maybe writing is Esperanza's liberation. Are we to assume this is autobiographical(Cisneros writing her experience of the writer's experience?)? The freedom to muse and struggle to articulate what is still unformed in my own reading of House on Mango Street, is the particular purview of writing, but writing on the blog does create a back and forth which is another influence, another voice in the discovery of the text. I am looking forward to our meeting in real time, when we will play with our ideas together. But perhaps I have been too hasty in reducing the exercise of blogging to its failure in creating conversation... It has succeeded in laying the groundwork for what promises to be an excellent conference. See you all on Saturday at Necole's. (Dan, I know you can't come... but maybe we could have a satellite link?)

1 comment:

Necole said...


How interesting that we did "assume" Cisneros is the telling the story about herself! I know this is what I assumed, but it could be possible she is writing for another!! A wonderful novel. Is anyone writing a paper. I believe we are suppose to write a small paper where we respond to four questions asked by Cercone about our participation in the group. It was included with that packet about student observations etc. Let me know!