Wednesday, March 19, 2008

when is everyone free?

hi. group.

maybe we could all meet sometime next week to have an in person group discussion. 
please list what times work best for you here. and we can figure something out.


Danny Boy said...

Mondays and Tuesdays, I am free up until about 3:30. Wednesday's I am free the whole day and Thursday anytime before class usually works well. Lemme know if any of these times works for you all

houseonmangostreet said...


I have a really tight schedule, but I can get to campus a little early tomorrow let me know what time works, I can get to campus at about 3:00pm, call me 848-3180 (work) or e-mail me!

Colette said...

Hummm, just read this note: sorry. If today is the day, I move my ass over there.

Next Wednesday is also possible for me, or next Thursday. Classes start for me at 4...

Maybe we can hash this out in school?
