Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm Done Reading!!

I finished the book over the break and wow!! I loved it. I will say that I had a better time with the first 55 pages. Don't know why, but it started getting a little too deep, or maybe I was reading into it too much. A lot of symbolism in the second half. Let me just say, had I not heard professor Cercone mention a "rape", I would not have necessairly known that it took place. I knew something transpired, but not your typicl description of a rape. I had to re-read a lot of the second half. I will say magnificent reading.

Things that I found interesting in the second half are exactly what Dan mentioned, the relationship aspect, the man versus woman struggle, in her describing women, it always seems to be that the woman is unhappy, out of place, like Ruthie "Only thing I can't understand is why Ruthoe living on Mango street is she doesn't have to" (69). Again, men being the saving grace of sweeping the ladies off of their feet and taking them "out of the ghetto".

I love the colors & imagery- I mentioned this before, but she creates a scene with her "painting" of the words. The cockroach with the spot of green paint! I'll save some of my blogging, I'm getting carried away and sleepy!

1 comment:

Colette said...

There is definitely a progressed complexity as Esperanza wends her way through puberty and works to secure a place for herself as a scholar. The pace and language changes, and the carefree tone vanished. Awesome! Think how many words we use to say nothing, and Cisneros so few to say everything!